Junges Publikum

Dem Franzy seng Zopp (Kurzfilmprogramm)

3-5 Jahre Schule 2022 45


Six melodious short films about sharing and overcoming obstacles.

A nightingale tries to heal her voice with the help of others, a bird steals sweets from a little girl and two little bears are playing within the scope of a Latvian lullaby: six melodious short films about sharing and the ability to overcome obstacles.

Shorts from this programme are:

  • T-rex by Julia Ocker
  • Bemol by Oana Lacroix
  • Hush, hush… Little bear by Māra Liniņa
  • Marmalade de Radostina Neykova
  • Tiger de Julia Ocker
  • Franzy’s Soup-Kitchen by Ana Chubinidze

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