
Marco Lombardi

Italien FIPRESCI Jury
1 film
1 events


Turin, 1962. Film and food critic (Il Messaggero, Cinecritica), and author and presenter of “Come ti cucino un film”, a tv show airing on Gambero Rosso Channel (Sky). He teaches “Cultural Journalism” in Sapienza university, and “Cultural events Psychology” in UniPegaso.

He wrote essays (La Cinegustologia e il Media Entertainment, 2020; Gustose visioni, 2014) and novels (I nuovi amici, 2009; Terremotività, 2014; GiokaconMe, 2019; Ti ho lasciato il minestrone in garage, 2021).

He was the co-producer and co-screenwriter of Into the blue, a film by Emiliano Dante released in 2009, and director of Fried by the star, a short that was shown at BIFEST 2012, got Cinecibo award 2022.

From 2005 to 2008 he was programmer of Critic’s week in Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia.

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