
All the films of the Festival (except Young Audiences or other indication) are categorized as « admission from 16 years old ».


From 14/02/2025 to 16/03/2025 (included) : ·

  • Online (Internet) : www.luxfilmfest.lu (possibility to print and download on a smartphone) : “Ticketing” section or by using the “Programme 2025″ section and by choosing a film. Each film page redirects to the box office by clicking on the icon “Buy a ticket” to choose the screening.
  • Directly at the cash desk of Ciné Utopia and Kinepolis Kirchberg

From 06/03/2025 to 16/03/2025 (included):

  • Online (Internet) : www.luxfilmfest.lu (possibility to print and download on a smartphone)
  • At the box offices of Cinémathèque, Ciné Utopia and Kinepolis Kirchberg (the cash desk is open only one hour before each screening.


Please note that it is not possible to book tickets without proceeding to payment..

Tickets are valid until the exact time of the screening, after which your seat will be reassigned.

Tickets can not be refunded or exchanged.

Workshops (Masterclasses by Tim Roth and Alejandro Amenábar are excluded from the workshops)

  • Grand Public

Free entrance* subject to availability.

Mandatory registration : register@luxfilmfest.lu


  • School sessions

Inscription via the register form

*Excluding acitivities organized by Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain and MUDAM


  • Screening venues:

Ciné Utopia: 16, Avenue de la Faïencerie, L-1510 Luxembourg

Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg: 17, Place du Théâtre, L-2613 Luxembourg

Kinepolis Kirchberg: 45, Avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg


  • “Hors les murs”:

Espace d’exposition et de rencontres, Cercle Cité: Entrée rue du Curé, L-2012 Luxembourg

Immersive Pavilion – Neimënster: 28, rue Münster, L-2160 Luxembourg

Abbaye de Neimënster : 28, rue Münster, L-2160 Luxembourg

CNA: 1 Rue du Centenaire, L-3475 Dudelange

Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain: 41 Rue Notre Dame, L-2240 Luxembourg

Rotondes: 3, Place des Rotondes, L-2448 Luxembourg

Sales point

  • Before the Festival: from 14/02/2025 to 16/03/2025

Ciné Utopia: 16, Avenue de la Faïencerie, L-1510 Luxembourg

Kinepolis Kirchberg: 45, Avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg


  • During the Festival: from 06/03/2025 to 16/03/2025

Cinémathèque de la ville de Luxembourg: 17, Place du théâtre, L-2613 Luxembourg

Ciné Utopia: 16, Avenue de la Faïencerie, L-1510 Luxembourg

Kinepolis Kirchberg: 45, Avenue J-F Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg