
Chantal Gary

1 film
1 events


Chantal Gary is a politician from Luxembourg belonging to the party “déi gréng”. Born in 1988, she joined the Chamber of Deputies in 2019, representing the East constituency. She is Chairwoman of the Committee on Mobility and Public Works and Vice-Chairwoman of the Committee on Middle Classes and Tourism.
With a degree in geography, Chantal Gary was involved in sustainable development projects in Burkina Faso, Peru and Brazil. She then headed the public relations department of Fairtrade Luxembourg before becoming a project manager for the “Verkéiersverbond”.

Chantal Gary’s political commitment is inspired by her grandmother’s activism against the planned nuclear power plant in Remerschen in the 1970s. Her political priorities are sustainable development, equal opportunities, organic viticulture and agriculture, as well as multimodal mobility and sport.

Chantal Gary is a panellist in the round table discussion following the film Fashion Reimagined
