Gabriella Moya

1 events
Gabriella Moya, a proud Mestiza born in the middle of the Ecuadorian Andes, is creator of the fashion brand AWKAA who has recently found her new home in Luxembourg. She has always been fascinated by the traditions, the cultural creation and the cosmovision of the indigenous people of South America. As an audiovisual producer and documentary filmmaker she had the privilege to meet and film very closely several indigenous communities, in an attempt to understand the ancestral indigenous cosmology on which is based their “good living” (su-mak kawsay), the “reciprocity” (Ainy) – giving and receiving as a sense of harmony, but also their coexistence with the natural environment in which life develops: La Pachamama.
In 2021 she has travelled to Ecuador with a very clear idea in mind: to create a project that could contribute preserving the ancestral and traditional richness of the indigenous people. This is how AWKA, a brand of ethical and sustainable garments, was born.
Gabriella Moya is a panellist in the round table discussion following the film Fashion Reimagined