Véronique Mériadec

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After a master’s degree in cinema, the management of a local radio station, a few years as a correspondent for the written press, after having been the first woman to complete, alone, the Tour de France on a mountain bike, Véronique undertook, at the age of 25, a world tour, still solo.
She travelled to 24 countries by train, plane, boat and bicycle in search of the light she would covet all her life. She took advantage of these great moments of solitude to start writing, pursue her career as a journalist and make her first TV documentary for Canal Plus.
She then embarked on a second voyage, this time from France to Tahiti. During her extraordinary peregrinations, Véronique lived to the rhythm of the trade winds and brought back a sharp eye on the world.
Upon her return in 1998, Véronique directed some thirty documentaries, as well as several short and medium-length films. For 10 years she was also a “prête-plume” before publishing three novels in her own name, for which she received various awards.
She has just finished her first feature film entitled En Mille Morceaux (2018) with Clémentine CÉLARIÉ and Serge RIABOUKINE.
Intrepid globetrotter, accomplished sportswoman, experienced filmmaker and novelist, Véronique is a multi-faceted artist who now sketches life with her lenses and draws it with a pen all her own.