A Fidai Film
An introspective documentary about the suppression and erasure of Palestinian history. Constituted from an assemblage of archival footage taken from Beirut’s Palestine Research Centre, which was seized and looted during Israeli occupation in 1982, the film’s essence is emblematized by the translation of its title: ‘one who dedicates his life to a cause.’
An important and devastating meditation on the history of Palestine, A Fidai Film is an experimental documentary which resists the conventions of genre by presenting fragmented sequences of archival footage without context, chronology, or narrative. The amalgamation of ambient and non-diegetic auditory elements heightens the film’s urgency, while images are spliced with writings from the Palestinian author and activist Ghassan Kanafani.
“A Fidai Film is at once a political, artistic, and salvaging endeavour of reclaiming national memory and identity through copies of original archival materials, which have been captured by the power willing to erase their existence.” Aleksandra Biernacka, www.moderntimes.review, 27/07/2024
- Kamal Aljafari
- Ghassan Kanafani
- Attila Faravelli
- Jochen Jezussek
- Simon Fisher Turner
- Kamal Aljafari Productions
Trailer and photos
Kamal Aljafari is a Palestinian director and artist based in Germany. Lauded for his inventive approach to filmmaking, Aljafari has garnered international acclaim for his films which have been featured at venues and festivals including the Museum of Modern Art, Tate Modern, the Berlinale, and the Viennale. In 2021, he received special recognition at Brazil’s Olhar de Cinema – Curitiba International Film Festival, where the Focus Section was dedicated to his oeuvre.
- UNDR (short) 2024
- A Fidai Film (documentary) 2024
- Paradiso, XXXI, 108 (short) 2022